LCCC Data Portal has been developed to support the Open Data initiative by BEIS (Business Energy & Industrial Strategy) and Ofgem (Office of Gas & Electricity Markets) and to meet external stakeholders’ request to easily download data that LCCC publishes on their scheme dashboards. More datasets will be published in the future in a phased approach.
The published datasets can be downloaded as CSV and JSON formats. The data portal also provides an API, allowing the data to be read programmatically. Users can “follow” a particular dataset, or a particular data publisher on the portal, so that when a particular dataset gets updated, the users will receive email notifications.
We recently identified and patched an issue with our data pipeline, whereby the data was not being read from disc but temporary memory, this issue has now been resolved. The new “resource_id” and related JSON file would have been recreated after a build failure. Going forward all “resource_id” should remain the same unless new columns are added to the datasets.
Any changes to the data structure, such as a new column being introduced to a dataset in the future will require a new JSON resource therefore a new “resource_id”, this would be a rare edge case.
Please note, the following datasets have been replaced with extended 24-month forecasts and are now titled ‘Advanced Forecast’:
15-Month Forecast CfD generation
15-Month Forecast ILR TRA
The 15-month datasets’ URLs have been updated with the Advanced Forecast URLs.
The dataset Actual CfD Generation and avoided GHG emissions JSON resource has been recently updated with a new ID, this was to solve an error with data. This may impact users via the API, we apologise for the inconvenience this may cause.