Actual CfD Generation and avoided GHG emissions

This dataset includes the historic actual CfD generation (from 2016) eligible for CfD payments, payments made to CfD generators, estimated GHG avoided from the CfD Portfolio and the equivalent avoided GHG cost. This dataset can be filtered based on CfD ID, Technology type, Connection type and Allocation Process. Please note all cost and payment values are in nominal terms.

This dataset also includes Baseload Market Reference Prices (BMRP) and Intermittent Market Reference Prices (IMRP) averaged over selected time periods along with the generation weighted average IMRP (capture price), which is calculated based on the intermittent generation volume.

The Baseload Market Reference Price (BMRP) is calculated on a seasonal basis using a traded volume weighted average based on forward season data received from LEBA. The Intermittent Market Reference Price (IMRP) is the GB Day Ahead Hourly Price published by the Intermittent Day Ahead Indices.

This dataset is updated daily.

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Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated October 17, 2024, 23:22 (UTC)
Created October 17, 2023, 16:00 (UTC)
Allocation Round CfD Allocation Round
Avoided GHG (tonnes CO2e) Avoided Green House Gas emissions based on the carbon emission factor (constant emission factor according to the start year of each contract)
Avoided GHG Cost (£) Avoided cost of Green house gas emissions from CfD contract portfolio in nominal terms.
CfD Generation (MWh) Actual CfD generation eligible for CfD payments
CfD ID ID which identifies each CfD generator.
CfD Payments (£) Actual CfD Payments made to CfD generators in nominal terms.
Market Reference Price (£/MWh) Average Market Reference Price based on the technology type
Name of CfD Unit Name of CfD Unit
Reference Type Intermittent Market Reference Price (IMRP) or, Baseload Market Reference Price (BMRP)
Settlement Date The date on which energy is deemed to be used and must be later settled through BSC initial settlement/reconciliation or Scottish Settlements. Also known as the Trading Day
Strike Price (GBP per MWh) The clearing value for a project determined through the CfD auction process. The strike price sets the point to which CfD difference payments are made.
Technology Technologies of CfD generators e.g.: Offshore Wind, Onshore Wind, Solar PV, Advanced Conversion Technology, Nuclear
Weighted IMRP (£/MWh) Weighted average IMRP which is calculated based on the generation volume of CfD generators with Intermittent technology