33 datasets found

Organisations: LCCC

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  • Forecast CfD Generation and Reference Price

    This dataset includes the hourly forecast CfD generation for the current and following operational quarters, by technology type. This generation is adjusted by TLM (Transmission...
  • IMRP actuals

    This dataset includes the actual Intermittent Market Reference Price (IMRP) by date and hourly period. The IMRP is the GB Day Ahead Hourly Price published by the Intermittent...
  • Actual ILR Income

    This dataset includes the determined Interim Levy Rates(ILR) and the actual daily Interim Levy Rate payments (ILR Income) received by LCCC from electricity suppliers. Energy...
  • Actual Eligible Demand

    This dataset includes the monthly actual Eligible Demand, actual Energy Intensive Industries Excluded Demand, and proportion of the CfD generation volume as a percentage of the...
  • Actual CfD Generation and avoided GHG emissions

    This dataset includes the historic actual CfD generation (from 2016) eligible for CfD payments, payments made to CfD generators, estimated GHG avoided from the CfD Portfolio and...
  • CM Forecast Cost

    This dataset includes the 24 month forecast of Capacity Market monthly payments. The forecast monthly CM costs are estimated as the Auction Acquired Capacity Obligation (kW) ×...
  • Capacity Obligation by Auction

    This datasets includes the historic monthly CM auction Capacity Obligation and Capacity Payments for a delivery year which covers the period from October to September. It also...
  • In-period Tracking

    This dataset contains the daily forecast CfD payments expected to be paid to generators compared with the actual CfD payments to generators is included in the dataset. This...
  • Actual Non-Generation Payments

    This dataset includes the actual non generation payments per quarter since 2022. This dataset is updated following the end of each Quarterly Obligation Period.
  • Forecast Supplier Payments

    This dataset includes the Daily forecast supplier payments for the current and following operational quarters. This dataset is updated following the end of each Quarterly...
  • Forecast Market Reference Prices

    This dataset includes the daily forecasted weighted average Baseload Market Reference Prices and Intermittent Market Reference Prices for the current and following operational...
  • Forecast CfD Payments

    This dataset includes the Daily forecast CfD payments to generators for the current and following operational quarters, by technology type. This dataset is updated following...
  • Historical CfD Two Year Forecasts

    This dataset provides historical CfD Two Year forecast data. Different levels of sensitivity have been applied on forecasting the figures and are termed as base case, low case,...
  • Forecast IMRP

    This dataset includes forecast time weighted Intermittent Market Reference Prices (IMRP) and generation weighted IMRP. This dataset is updated following the end of each...
  • CfD Two Year Forecast

    This dataset provides a forecast out to 2 years. This dataset contains Interim Levy Rate , Total Reserve Amount, CfD Payment forecasts, CfD generation adjusted by TLM, RQM and...
  • Advanced Forecast CfD Generation

    This dataset provides a forecast out to 24 months. This dataset contains CfD generation forecasts for six Quarterly Obligation Periods. Different levels of sensitivity have been...
  • Reconciled Daily Levy Rates

    This dataset includes the actual daily reconciled levy rates and eligible demand volume (EII and GEE exempted) for each performed settlement run type. Energy Intensive...
  • CfD to BM Unit Mapping

    This dataset details the relationship between registered BM Units and CfDs. This dataset is only updated following changes to the mapping data.
  • CM Monthly Weighting Factor

    IMPORTANT: This dataset is deprecated and will be removed before the next set of factors is published. The authoritative monthly weighting factors are now available at...
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