CM Forecast Cost
This dataset includes the 24 month forecast of Capacity Market monthly payments. The forecast monthly CM costs are estimated as the Auction Acquired Capacity Obligation (kW) ×... -
Capacity Obligation by Auction
This datasets includes the historic monthly CM auction Capacity Obligation and Capacity Payments for a delivery year which covers the period from October to September. It also... -
Winter Peak Demand
This dataset provides forecast and actual Winter Peak Gross Demands up to 23/24 and forecast and actual Winter Peak Relevant Demand from 24/25 by delivery years. Under the... -
CM Monthly Weighting Factor
IMPORTANT: This dataset is deprecated and will be removed before the next set of factors is published. The authoritative monthly weighting factors are now available at... -
Settlement Costs Levy
This dataset includes the actual, forecast, and excess Settlement Costs Levy for the current and historic operational periods. The operational costs of Electricity Settlements... -
Secondary Trading Eligiblity Directory
This directory displays those Capacity Providers that may be eligible for Secondary Trading due to them meeting the conditions in Rule 9.2.6 of the Capacity Market Rules. This...