8 datasets found

Licenses: UK Open Government Licence (OGL) Tags: CfD SOFM Formats: CSV

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  • Advanced Forecast CfD Generation

    This dataset provides a forecast out to 24 months. This dataset contains CfD generation forecasts for six Quarterly Obligation Periods. Different levels of sensitivity have been...
  • CfD Two Year Forecast

    This dataset provides a forecast out to 2 years. This dataset contains Interim Levy Rate , Total Reserve Amount, CfD Payment forecasts, CfD generation adjusted by TLM, RQM and...
  • Forecast Market Reference Prices

    This dataset includes the daily forecasted weighted average Baseload Market Reference Prices and Intermittent Market Reference Prices for the current and following operational...
  • Forecast CfD Generation

    This dataset includes the hourly forecast CfD generation for the current and following operational quarters, by technology type. This generation is adjusted by TLM (Transmission...
  • In-period Tracking

    This dataset contains the daily forecast CfD payments expected to be paid to generators compared with the actual CfD payments to generators is included in the dataset. This...
  • Forecast Supplier Payments

    This dataset includes the Daily forecast supplier payments for the current and following operational quarters. This dataset is updated following the end of each Quarterly...
  • Forecast CfD Payments

    This dataset includes the Daily forecast CfD payments to generators for the current and following operational quarters, by technology type. This dataset is updated following...
  • CfD Forecast Generation and Avoided GHG

    This dataset includes the future CfD generation eligible for CfD payments estimated by LCCC until the end of the CfD contract, by financial year (1 April to 31 March). Expected...
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