In-period Tracking
This dataset contains the daily forecast CfD payments expected to be paid to generators compared with the actual CfD payments to generators is included in the dataset. This... -
Forecast CfD Payments
This dataset includes the Daily forecast CfD payments to generators for the current and following operational quarters, by technology type. This dataset is updated following... -
Historical CfD Two Year Forecasts
This dataset provides historical CfD Two Year forecast data. Different levels of sensitivity have been applied on forecasting the figures and are termed as base case, low case,... -
CfD Two Year Forecast
This dataset provides a forecast out to 2 years. This dataset contains Interim Levy Rate , Total Reserve Amount, CfD Payment forecasts, CfD generation adjusted by TLM, RQM and... -
Forecast ILR TRA
This dataset provides a forecast out of 6 months. https://www.lowcarboncontracts.uk/resources/scheme-dashboards/interim-levy-rate-and-total-reserve-amount/. This dataset...