Reconciled Daily Levy Rates

This dataset includes the actual daily reconciled levy rates and eligible demand volume (EII and GEE exempted) for each performed settlement run type.

Energy Intensive Industries (EII) are those industries that are determined by BEIS as intensive users of electricity. They are exempted from paying CfD levy, up to 85% of Supplier's daily gross demand.

Eligible power generated abroad and supplied to GB can be used to reduce a suppliers’ liability for the CfD levy. Green Excluded Electricity (GEE) means any amount of electricity determined as such.

This dataset is updated following the end of each Quarterly Obligation Period.

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Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated January 13, 2025, 17:32 (UTC)
Created October 17, 2023, 16:00 (UTC)
Latest Flag Flag to determine if the Settlement run is latest or not
Reconciled Daily Levy Rate (£/MWh) The result of the reconciliations of the daily CfD payments divided by the daily Eligible Demand
Reconciled Eligible Demand (MWh) Reconciled Gross Demand less both Energy Intensive Industries demand and Green Excluded Electricity demand
Reconciled Energy Intensive Industries Demand (MWh) Reconciled Supplier's Daily Energy Intensive Industries demand which is being exempted from paying CfD levy
Reconciled Green Excluded Electricity (MWh) Reconciled Supplier's Daily Green Excluded Electricity demand which is being exempted from paying CfD levy
Settlement Date The date on which energy is deemed to be used and must be later settled through BSC initial settlement/reconciliation or Scottish Settlements. Also known as the Trading Day
Settlement Run Type Type of Settlement Run (II, SF, R1, R2, R3, RF, DF)